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RLR Research and Analysis, Inc.

RLR Research & Analysis Inc.’s research specialization lies in automotive, healthcare, and polling among other industries. This track record and background informs the marketing positioning of some of the most prominent brands in the marketplace, local and multinational corporations and organizations.

Our Research Culture
We pride ourselves on our industry knowledge, but more importantly, on our drive to do things better than anyone else. We are constantly urging one another to exceed expectations at every stage of a project. As research professionals, honesty and integrity serve every interest – they enhance the quality of our work and are the foundation of lasting relationships. At RLR Research & Analysis, we live these values as individuals, and as a company. It’s the right way to think – for ourselves and our clients.

Healthy Minds and Healthy Body
The RLR Research & Analysis team is comprised of driven individuals who expect the best from themselves and from those with whom they work. While our work is important, we also strive to lead full lives outside of the office. Through a series of educational courses/seminars and recreational retreats, we constantly incentivize our team members to improve and empower themselves and their teams.

Professional Standards
RLR Research & Analysis is dedicated to providing our clients with ethical and best-in-class research. We strictly adhere to the Code of Professional Ethics and Practices set forth by the Marketing and Opinion Research Society of the Philippines (MORES).

Head: Ruel Rosal
Position: President


  • To address crucial client business issues, whether in research or consultative marketing.
  • To share the expertise and experience with our client-partners for them to have a better appreciation to regularly utilize market research.
  • To be able to influence marketers on the importance of MARKET RESEARCH in making logical business decisions.


  • To be the eminent partner for market research services and other research skills
  • To be able to draw out valuable insights and make logical business decisions.


  • Integrity and quality
  • Cost-efficiency
  • Malasakit

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