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Autologistic Spatial-Temporal Modeling

Year: 2014       Vol.: 63       No.: 1      

Authors: Ma. Andriena Ida B. Del Ayre-Ofina


We postulate a combination of spatial-temporal and autologistic model in characterizing binary data collected over time and space. Using a second-order neighborhood system in defining the spatial component of the model, backfitting algorithm is used in estimating the model. As the incidence of success and failure responses becomes balanced, sensitivity and specificity increases. The predictive ability of the model is fairly robust to the spatial parameter but is significantly influenced by the temporal parameter. The bias of the estimate for the spatial parameter declines as it becomes dominant into the model. Furthermore, as the autocorrelation becomes stronger, its estimate becomes less biased. The backfitting algorithm is also observed to converge fast in the estimation of the spatial-temporal autologistic model.

Keywords: binary response, autologistic model, spatial-temporal model, backfitting

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